GLUE Network Charity Mural Collaboration
I met up with artists Kelli Murray, Joshua Clay, Tommii Lim, J.Shea, and Serge Gay to collaborate on an 8′ X 24′ mural at the 2009 MAGIC tradeshow in Las Vegas, NV. Jedidiah, along with the Glue Network, worked together in making it all possible. Artists flew in from all over…Portland, Chicago, San Fran….and San Diego. We all created numerous sketches for the event, and settled with a concept of “Hope Farmers”. It was such a great experience to work with such talented artists from all different places for even more fantastic cause. After a total of three days hard at work, the mural sold for $15,000. Proceeds from the event went to support Stand Up for Kids, a nationally acclaimed organization committed to the rescue of homeless and at-risk youth.
Here’s a great video of the progess and process.
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