The story of our new website
It’s been a long time coming, & finally it’s here. Blaine Fontana’s site has made it’s transformation to Fontana Studios. We put all kinds of ideas in clouds to figure out how to showcase all the creative endeavor Blaine and myself (Eugenie) produce in our studio. We have merged our design, fine art, photo, wood working, and consulting into one behemoth site. In addition, we have also created an edited archive of our work dating back to 2002 showcasing our development, follies, and triumphs. Our eStore will also have new features rewarding frequent collectors of art, and private gift certificates.
We will continue to send monthly e-newsletters, but we also suggest that you now subscribe to our RSS feed so that you may be updated immediately with projects, products, and inspiration. Just copy and paste THEFONTANASTUDIOS.COM in your google reader or other RSS subscription management program.
Your support, contributions, feedback and passion for our creativity is continually appreciated and we look forward to inspiring your lives one day at a time.
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