Phoenix Rising
Phoenix Rising
30 x 72″ acrylic on canvas
Sometimes commissions come from the most surprising places. I grew up with Scott Hill on Bainbridge Island. We stayed in touch sporadically over 10 years. It came to my surprise he and his wife Laura had become a fan of my work. They had recently moved into a bigger place, and like all new home owners desperately needed something to fill the blank walls. Out of the hundreds of pieces I have created over the last 10 years, a certain digital piece always resonated with them. They both loved the transparency effect of the little piece, and was looking for the same effect in the commission. Truthfully, this startled me, but like always became very enthusiastic over a difficult challenge. I won’t go into details here about the process of this epic journey. However, if you are interested, I will strongly encourage you to read the in depth process here:
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